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(1 - 20 of 83)
"I can, but I can't": Kindergarten teacher perceptions of self-efficacy and agency in their use of formative assessment in the current high-stakes accountability climate
Adam Hochberg and Duke speech
Alexander Mills Town Hall
Belmont Junior High School
Bishop McGuinness High School, Winston-Salem
Campbell University, "Urge to Merge"
Chapel Hill (partial)
Charles Sanders at UNC Chapel Hill ad shoot and speech
Charles Sanders speech on workers (Raleigh), speech at Campbell (Buies Creek)
Charlie Sanders Advertisements reel
Charlie Sanders announcement
Charlotte Seniors
Charlotte-Douglas Airport rally
Choice/Hiding, 2 rough cuts
Contrast - Education version 1
Contrast - Education version 2
Debate, Gantt v. Sanders, UNC-TV
Debate, WLLE